Academic Activities

(1)    Sponsor an academic conference for the faculty members
 Regularly, the faculty members are encouraged to present their academic papers. Through discussions among the teachers in the department, we hope to promote the publications of our faculty that all of their academic papers can fulfill the standard of being publishable in high profile journals.

(2)      Continuing to sponsor academic conferences
Since 1998, we have been sponsoring the “Conference of Financial Theory and Practice”. It is the 18th anniversary of the conference in 2015. The conference contributes significantly in elevating the quantities and qualities of our faculty researches. In addition to maintaining our departments’ academic status in Taiwan, it also offers the opportunities and forum for the teachers in the discipline of finance in Taiwan to exchange their ideas and present their papers. In addition, since 2002, we joined the 10-School Finance Alliance in Central Taiwan and joined in the works of sponsoring the “Conference of Central Taiwan Finance Association (CTFA)”. It can help integrate the academic institutions in academic exchange in the discipline of finance.  


(3)      Issuing the "Journal of Financial Review"